Source code for parl.algorithms.paddle.oac

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import parl
import paddle
from paddle.distribution import Normal
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from parl.utils.utils import check_model_method
from copy import deepcopy
import math

__all__ = ['OAC']

[docs]class OAC(parl.Algorithm):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, gamma=None, tau=None, alpha=None, beta=None, delta=None, actor_lr=None, critic_lr=None): """ OAC algorithm Args: model(parl.Model): forward network of actor and critic. gamma(float): discounted factor for reward computation tau (float): decay coefficient when updating the weights of self.target_model with self.model alpha (float): Temperature parameter determines the relative importance of the entropy against the reward beta (float): determines the relative importance of sigma_Q delta (float): determines the relative changes of exploration`s mean actor_lr (float): learning rate of the actor model critic_lr (float): learning rate of the critic model """ # checks check_model_method(model, 'value', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'policy', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'get_actor_params', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'get_critic_params', self.__class__.__name__) assert isinstance(gamma, float) assert isinstance(tau, float) assert isinstance(alpha, float) assert isinstance(beta, float) assert isinstance(delta, float) assert isinstance(actor_lr, float) assert isinstance(critic_lr, float) self.gamma = gamma self.tau = tau self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta = delta self.actor_lr = actor_lr self.critic_lr = critic_lr self.model = model self.target_model = deepcopy(self.model) self.actor_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=actor_lr, parameters=self.model.get_actor_params()) self.critic_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=critic_lr, parameters=self.model.get_critic_params())
[docs] def predict(self, obs): act_mean, _ = self.model.policy(obs) action = paddle.tanh(act_mean) return action
[docs] def sample(self, obs): act_mean, act_log_std = self.model.policy(obs) normal = Normal(act_mean, act_log_std.exp()) # for reparameterization trick (mean + std*N(0,1)) x_t = normal.sample([1]) action = paddle.tanh(x_t) log_prob = normal.log_prob(x_t) # Enforcing Action Bound log_prob -= paddle.log((1 - action.pow(2)) + 1e-6) log_prob = paddle.sum(log_prob, axis=-1, keepdim=True) return action[0], log_prob[0]
def get_optimistic_exploration_action(self, obs): act_mean, act_log_std = self.model.policy(obs) act_std = paddle.exp(act_log_std) normal = Normal(act_mean, act_std) pre_tanh_mu_T = normal.sample([1]) tanh_mu_T = paddle.tanh(pre_tanh_mu_T) # Get the upper bound of the Q estimate Q1, Q2 = self.model.value(obs, tanh_mu_T[0]) mu_Q = (Q1 + Q2) / 2.0 sigma_Q = paddle.abs(Q1 - Q2) / 2.0 Q_UB = mu_Q + self.beta * sigma_Q # Obtain the gradient of Q_UB wrt to a with a evaluated at mu_t grad = paddle.grad(Q_UB, pre_tanh_mu_T) grad = grad[0] assert grad is not None assert pre_tanh_mu_T.shape == grad.shape # Obtain Sigma_T (the covariance of the normal distribution) Sigma_T = paddle.pow(act_std, 2) # The dividor is (g^T Sigma g) ** 0.5 # Sigma is diagonal, so this works out to be # ( sum_{i=1}^k (g^(i))^2 (sigma^(i))^2 ) ** 0.5 denom = paddle.sqrt( paddle.sum(paddle.multiply(paddle.pow(grad, 2), Sigma_T))) + 10e-6 # Obtain the change in mu mu_C = math.sqrt(2.0 * * paddle.multiply(Sigma_T, grad) / denom assert mu_C.shape == pre_tanh_mu_T.shape mu_E = pre_tanh_mu_T + mu_C mu_E = paddle.squeeze(mu_E, axis=0) # Construct the tanh normal distribution and sample the exploratory action from it assert mu_E.shape == act_std.shape dist = Normal(mu_E, act_std) z = dist.sample([1]).detach() action = paddle.tanh(z) return action[0]
[docs] def learn(self, obs, action, reward, next_obs, terminal): critic_loss = self._critic_learn(obs, action, reward, next_obs, terminal) actor_loss = self._actor_learn(obs) self.sync_target() return critic_loss, actor_loss
def _critic_learn(self, obs, action, reward, next_obs, terminal): with paddle.no_grad(): next_action, next_log_pro = self.sample(next_obs) q1_next, q2_next = self.target_model.value(next_obs, next_action) target_Q = paddle.minimum(q1_next, q2_next) - self.alpha * next_log_pro terminal = paddle.cast(terminal, dtype='float32') target_Q = reward + self.gamma * (1. - terminal) * target_Q cur_q1, cur_q2 = self.model.value(obs, action) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(cur_q1, target_Q) + F.mse_loss( cur_q2, target_Q) self.critic_optimizer.clear_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optimizer.step() return critic_loss def _actor_learn(self, obs): act, log_pi = self.sample(obs) q1_pi, q2_pi = self.model.value(obs, act) min_q_pi = paddle.minimum(q1_pi, q2_pi) actor_loss = ((self.alpha * log_pi) - min_q_pi).mean() self.actor_optimizer.clear_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() return actor_loss def sync_target(self, decay=None): if decay is None: decay = 1.0 - self.tau self.model.sync_weights_to(self.target_model, decay=decay)