Source code for parl.algorithms.paddle.maddpg

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import parl
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from parl.utils.utils import check_model_method
from copy import deepcopy

__all__ = ['MADDPG']

[docs]class MADDPG(parl.Algorithm):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, agent_index=None, act_space=None, gamma=None, tau=None, actor_lr=None, critic_lr=None): """ MADDPG algorithm Args: model (parl.Model): forward network of actor and critic. The function get_actor_params() of model should be implemented. agent_index (int): index of agent, in multiagent env act_space (list): action_space, gym space gamma (float): discounted factor for reward computation. tau (float): decay coefficient when updating the weights of self.target_model with self.model critic_lr (float): learning rate of the critic model actor_lr (float): learning rate of the actor model """ # checks check_model_method(model, 'value', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'policy', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'get_actor_params', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'get_critic_params', self.__class__.__name__) assert isinstance(agent_index, int) assert isinstance(act_space, list) assert isinstance(gamma, float) assert isinstance(tau, float) assert isinstance(actor_lr, float) assert isinstance(critic_lr, float) self.continuous_actions = False if not len(act_space) == 0 and hasattr(act_space[0], 'high'): self.continuous_actions = True self.agent_index = agent_index self.act_space = act_space self.gamma = gamma self.tau = tau self.actor_lr = actor_lr self.critic_lr = critic_lr self.model = model self.target_model = deepcopy(model) self.sync_target(0) self.actor_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=self.actor_lr, parameters=self.model.get_actor_params(), grad_clip=nn.ClipGradByNorm(clip_norm=0.5)) self.critic_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=self.critic_lr, parameters=self.model.get_critic_params(), grad_clip=nn.ClipGradByNorm(clip_norm=0.5))
[docs] def predict(self, obs): """ use the policy model to predict actions Args: obs (paddle tensor): observation, shape([B] + shape of obs_n[agent_index]) Returns: act (paddle tensor): action, shape([B] + shape of act_n[agent_index]), noted that in the discrete case we take the argmax along the last axis as action """ policy = self.model.policy(obs) if self.continuous_actions: mean = policy[0] action = paddle.tanh(mean) else: action = F.softmax(policy, axis=-1) return action
[docs] def sample(self, obs, use_target_model=False): """ use the policy model to sample actions Args: obs (paddle tensor): observation, shape([B] + shape of obs_n[agent_index]) use_target_model (bool): use target_model or not Returns: act (paddle tensor): action, shape([B] + shape of act_n[agent_index]), noted that in the discrete case we take the argmax along the last axis as action """ if use_target_model: policy = self.target_model.policy(obs) else: policy = self.model.policy(obs) # add noise for action exploration if self.continuous_actions: mean, std = policy[0], paddle.exp(policy[1]) mean_shape = paddle.to_tensor(mean.shape, dtype='int64') random_normal = paddle.normal(shape=mean_shape) action = mean + std * random_normal action = paddle.tanh(action) else: eps = 1e-4 logits_shape = paddle.to_tensor(policy.shape, dtype='int64') uniform = paddle.uniform(logits_shape, min=eps, max=1.0 - eps) soft_uniform = paddle.log(-1.0 * paddle.log(uniform)) action = F.softmax(policy - soft_uniform, axis=-1) return action
[docs] def Q(self, obs_n, act_n, use_target_model=False): """ use the value model to predict Q values Args: obs_n (list of paddle tensor): all agents' observation, len(agent's num) + shape([B] + shape of obs_n) act_n (list of paddle tensor): all agents' action, len(agent's num) + shape([B] + shape of act_n) use_target_model (bool): use target_model or not Returns: Q (paddle tensor): Q value of this agent, shape([B]) """ if use_target_model: return self.target_model.value(obs_n, act_n) else: return self.model.value(obs_n, act_n)
[docs] def learn(self, obs_n, act_n, target_q): """ update actor and critic model with MADDPG algorithm """ actor_cost = self._actor_learn(obs_n, act_n) critic_cost = self._critic_learn(obs_n, act_n, target_q) self.sync_target() return critic_cost
def _actor_learn(self, obs_n, act_n): i = self.agent_index sample_this_action = self.sample(obs_n[i]) action_input_n = act_n + [] action_input_n[i] = sample_this_action eval_q = self.Q(obs_n, action_input_n) act_cost = paddle.mean(-1.0 * eval_q) this_policy = self.model.policy(obs_n[i]) # when continuous, 'this_policy' will be a tuple with two element: (mean, std) if self.continuous_actions: this_policy = paddle.concat(this_policy, axis=-1) act_reg = paddle.mean(paddle.square(this_policy)) cost = act_cost + act_reg * 1e-3 self.actor_optimizer.clear_grad() cost.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() return cost def _critic_learn(self, obs_n, act_n, target_q): pred_q = self.Q(obs_n, act_n) cost = paddle.mean(F.square_error_cost(pred_q, target_q)) self.critic_optimizer.clear_grad() cost.backward() self.critic_optimizer.step() return cost
[docs] def sync_target(self, decay=None): """ update the target network with the training network Args: decay(float): the decaying factor while updating the target network with the training network. 0 represents the **assignment**. None represents updating the target network slowly that depends on the hyperparameter `tau`. """ if decay is None: decay = 1.0 - self.tau self.model.sync_weights_to(self.target_model, decay=decay)