parl.core.paddle.model 源代码

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import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import collections
import numpy as np

from parl.core.model_base import ModelBase
from parl.utils import machine_info

__all__ = ['Model']

[文档]class Model(nn.Layer, ModelBase): """ | `alias`: ``parl.Model`` | `alias`: ``parl.core.paddle.agent.Model`` | ``Model`` is a base class of PARL for the neural network. A ``Model`` is usually a policy or Q-value function, which predicts an action or an estimate according to the environmental observation. | To use the ``PaddlePaddle2.0`` backend model, user needs to call ``super(Model, self).__init__()`` at the beginning of ``__init__`` function. | ``Model`` supports duplicating a ``Model`` instance in a pythonic way: | ``copied_model = copy.deepcopy(model)`` Example: .. code-block:: python import parl import paddle.nn as nn class Policy(parl.Model): def __init__(self): super(Policy, self).__init__() self.fc = nn.Linear(input_dim=100, output_dim=32) def policy(self, obs): out = self.fc(obs) return out policy = Policy() copied_policy = copy.deepcopy(policy) Attributes: model_id(str): each model instance has its unique model_id. Public Functions: - ``sync_weights_to``: synchronize parameters of the current model to another model. - ``get_weights``: return a list containing all the parameters of the current model. - ``set_weights``: copy parameters from ``set_weights()`` to the model. - ``forward``: define the computations of a neural network. **Should** be overridden by all subclasses. """ def __init___(self): super(Model, self).__init__()
[文档] def sync_weights_to(self, target_model, decay=0.0): """Synchronize parameters of current model to another model. target_model_weights = decay * target_model_weights + (1 - decay) * current_model_weights Args: target_model (`parl.Model`): an instance of ``Model`` that has the same neural network architecture as the current model. decay (float): the rate of decline in copying parameters. 0 if no parameters decay when synchronizing the parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python import copy # create a model that has the same neural network structures. target_model = copy.deepcopy(model) # after initilizing the parameters ... model.sync_weights_to(target_mdodel) Note: Before calling ``sync_weights_to``, parameters of the model must have been initialized. """ assert not target_model is self, "cannot copy between identical model" assert isinstance(target_model, Model) assert self.__class__.__name__ == target_model.__class__.__name__, \ "must be the same class for params syncing!" assert (decay >= 0 and decay <= 1) target_vars = dict(target_model.named_parameters()) for name, var in self.named_parameters(): target_data = decay * target_vars[name] + (1 - decay) * var target_vars[name] = target_data target_model.set_state_dict(target_vars)
[文档] def get_weights(self): """Returns a Python dict containing parameters of current model. Returns: a Python dict containing the parameters of current model. """ weights = self.state_dict() for key in weights.keys(): weights[key] = weights[key].numpy() return weights
[文档] def set_weights(self, weights): """Copy parameters from ``set_weights()`` to the model. Args: weights (dict): a Python dict containing the parameters. """ old_weights = self.state_dict() assert len(old_weights) == len( weights), '{} params are expected, but got {}'.format( len(old_weights), len(weights)) new_weights = collections.OrderedDict() for key in old_weights.keys(): assert key in weights, 'key: {} is expected to be in weights.'.format( key) assert old_weights[key].shape == list( weights[key].shape ), 'key \'{}\' expects the data with shape {}, but gets {}'.format( key, old_weights[key].shape, list(weights[key].shape)) new_weights[key] = paddle.to_tensor(weights[key]) self.set_state_dict(new_weights)